Step 1: Using the Ellipse tool, create a 300 X 300 pixel circle (Tip: hold down the Ctrl+Shift keys to create a circle). Select the circle and change the line width to 0. Step 2: Apply a linear color fill to the circle, from #FE8C12 to #C73900, then select the circle and choose Edit > Copy or use the shortcut Ctrl+C. Step 3: Paste in place the circle (Edit > Paste in Place), and change the fill colors in the pasted copy so that it is from #CC3701 to #7F2400. Step 4: Apply a fractal plasma transparency to the top circle, from 84.5% to 100%. Step 5: Paste in place the circle again (Edit > Paste in Place), and change the fill colors in the pasted circle so that the linear fill is from WHITE to #7F2400. Step 6: Add a fractal plasma transparency to the top circle, from 84.5% to 100%. Step 7: Select all the objects, choose Edit > Select All or use the shortcut Ctrl+A, and apply a feathering of 3.7 pixels. Step 8: Using the Pen Tool create 2 shapes as shown below, and fill the new shapes with the color #FFC085. Step 9: Apply a flat transparency of 75.5% to the small shape and 65.5% to the big shape, then select both shapes and change the line width to 0. © José Campoy