thinking outside the box
Text here...
Stretchy objects
Stretchy objects are used to create 'pageless' designs where there is no obvious page boundary, ie. where page backgrounds cover the
entire browser window and stretch to fill the browser width. This is only really effective for a web page that has the same color page
background and pasteboard background. If the pasteboard background is a different color then the stretched object can look out of place.
You can make any rectangle, line or image stretch to fill the browser window, either horizontally or vertically.
I shall stretch the mountain image and the navigation bar but first, I will enlarge the mountain image downwards to make it much taller - this
is the trend (large stretchy images) and ideal on this type of design. Select the image and drag on the center handle to enlarge it – this
stretches the image but, for this particular photo, I‘m happy with that. (To maintain the proportions of an image, drag on the corner handle
and then crop the sides of the photo to fit the width.)
With the image selected right click on the mouse and choose Web Sticky/Stretchy from the menu, or select the image and go to Utilities>
Web Sticky/Stretchy. Select ‘Full width’ and the scale point to be ‘center’. Keep the ‘Scale stretched object’ selected and then press ‘Apply’
(not Close). This will leave the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialog open, ready for further use.
Tip: The Web Properties and Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialogs are non-modal. This means you can keep them on screen, select the
object you want to change, set your values and click Apply (not OK.) This saves a LOT of time because you do not need to keep bringing up
the dialog for every time you want to make a change.
Sticky / Stretchy
Properties dialog
being used to stretch the top image
To see the change select the preview page option on the top InfoBar
. Adjust the size of your preview window to see how the image
stretches as you widen it.
These stretchy objects are normally intended as page backgrounds and so they appear behind everything else on the page and often they
are placed on the background layer. You may also want a sticky object to be full width or full height, for example, a sticky header or
navigation bar across the top of your web page, and in this case stretchy, sticky objects automatically appear in front of your main page
This Polar template was produced using old techniques before the new stretchy feature so, before I stretch the navigation bar, I shall remove
the rectangle stripes that are now being made redundant with the new stretched top image and navigation bar. In the Page & Layer Gallery
click on the triangle to the left of the page thumbnail to show the components of the page. Click on the triangle next to Pasteboard
background to open up that layer and click on the red lock to unlock the layer. Select the first two horizontal rectangles and delete them (or
select them in the editor to delete them). Now select the lock again to lock the Pasteboard background (the lock should now be red again).
The navigation bar is in two
sections – a solid rectangle and the
components of the navigation
buttons. To see this, select the
rectangular bar by clicking near
one end and drag it up, away from the
navigation buttons. Now drag it
back and note how it clicks back into
position (this is because ‘Snap
to objects’ is enabled.
Click on the solid rectangle and in the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialog select ‘Full width’, keep the ‘Scale stretched object’ selected and
the scale origin can be ‘Center’. Then click ‘Apply’. Keep the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties open as we shall continue to use it. (There is no
need to stretch the NavBar – it will automatically stretch as you add more pages to the site.) Now stretch the thin line under the Polar
(I also applied a soft shadow to the NavBar background rectangle to make it appear to float above the page - 10px blur, set vertically below
the rectangle.)
I have applied a semi-transparent white, stretchy bar behind the word ‘Store’ as a contrast so that ‘Store’ will always be legible, even on the
dark parts of the image. (To do that, select the Rectangle Tool and drag your mouse across and down to draw a horizontal rectangle across
the width of the image, behind the word ‘Store’. With the rectangle still selected, drag the white color from the bottom color line and drop it
onto the rectangle. This will make the rectangle white so now choose the Transparency Tool and move the transparency slider to the
required value – I set mine around 75%.) Now select Arrange > Move backwards so the panel is behind the text. See the Rectangles tutorial.
Now make the white, semi transparent bar stretchy.
Preview the page and adjust the width of the browser so you can see the objects stretch.
bar and
image, with stretchy panel behind the store page title
Sticky objects
Some websites have objects on the page that stick on screen and float over the page that scrolls below. These are often navigation controls
or social network icons. They tend to be stuck to the top edge of the browser window, or sometimes to the left or right edge, and can't be
scrolled out of view. So you can, for example, have direct access to page navigation without having to scroll up the page. You can make any
object "sticky" whether it's a graphic, a bitmap (photo) or a text object. I shall make the navigation bar and social media buttons ‘sticky’.
I select the bar that I have just made stretchy and then select the option in the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialog to make it ‘sticky’ and
then ‘Apply’. Temporarily, move the stretchy bar up and out of the way, then select the NavBar, make it ‘sticky’ and ‘Apply’. Now select the
stretchy/sticky bar and move it back into place. Preview the page and scroll down – you will see that the NavBar remains in full view at the
top as you scroll.
My sticky
remains at the
top of the page
Now for the social media buttons. I could make them sticky in their current position but it is far better to make them sticky vertically outside
of the main page area so they stick to the right edge of the browser as the screen is resized.
Select each of the social media buttons in turn and position them vertically outside of the right margin, centered alongside the mountain
image. Being off the right side of the page means it sticks to the right edge of the browser. The vertical height determines the vertical
position. Guidelines will help you position them in line but you may wish to increase your zoom view to be larger so you can ensure that they
are exactly in line.
I shall encompass the social media buttons within a semi-transparent black rectangle to make them visible on the pale photo background.
Select the Rectangle Tool on the main Toolbar (or Shift-F3).
Click and drag the mouse over the 3 social media buttons to draw
a vertical rectangle larger than the overall size of the 3 buttons. The previous rectangle was white which has now become the default color,
so drag the black color from the color line onto the rectangle. With the rectangle still selected, select the Transparency Tool and use the
slider on its InfoBar to make it about 70% transparent. Select Arrange > Put to back (on the top Tool bar). Now position and resize the
rectangle, if necessary, to fit neatly around the 3 buttons. Select the Selector Tool and lasso around the background rectangle and the
buttons to select them all, then from the top tool bar select Arrange > Apply soft group.
Tip: ‘Soft Grouping’ objects allows the whole thing to be moved around as a group whilst retaining the layers - so you'll note the fade mouse-
over effect still works. Don't ‘group’ them as that will collapse the Mouse-Over layer onto the Mouse-Off layer, which you do not want.
With the group selected, click ‘sticky’ and ‘Apply’ in the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialog
Sticky social media icons, with a background panel, positioned alongside the top image
Now close the Web Sticky/Stretchy Properties dialog a, and preview the page to see the sticky objects.
Sticky items normally float on top of the rest of the page, so would normally be arranged to be at the front of all the page content. However,
you can also have sticky objects behind your page content if you place them on the Pasteboard Background layer.
Stretchy, Sticky and Animated Objects on your Website