Step 1: Choose New > 955 pix presentation from the File menu. A new blank document window opens, displaying the presentation document icon on its tab at the top of the document window (tabbed windows are another new feature of v7). The Presentation Toolbar also appears at the right end of the top bar. Note: the buttons on the toolbar are enabled only when you have created something on the page and selected it.Step 2: So let’s start to create our presentation. Use the Text Tool to add some text to your blank presentation, typically your starting point might be a heading at the top of the page. Select this text object using the Selector Tool and look at the status line at the bottom of the Web Designer Premium window. It will say that you have a text object selected on the MouseOff layer. Key Point: Everything on the MouseOff layer will be permanently visible in your presentation, as if it's part of the background. So if you preview your page now you'll see your text heading on the page.Step 3: Now add another new line of text using the Text Tool. Again, this will be placed on the MouseOff layer and the status line will show you this when you select it with the Selector Tool. But now let's make this text appear as the first step in this presentation. With the text selected in the Selector Tool, click the button that looks like a foot on the Presentation Toolbar, called ‘Make new step’. Now look at the status line – it now shows that the selected object is on "Presentation step 1" instead of MouseOff. Preview the page again. Initially you can see only your initial text heading. Press the right arrow key on your keyboard and the second text object will fade in. That's the first step added to your presentation!Step 4: Continue to add more content to your page the same way. Key Point: As above, first create the objects on the MouseOff layer and then move them to a new presentation step. The next object you move to a presentation step will be on presentation step 2. You can do this with more than one object at a time by simply selecting them all before pressing ‘Make new step’. Add a few more steps to your presentation this way.