Firstly, load your photo by dragging it from your file explorer onto the program's title bar to open it as a photo document. Photo documents are designed specifically for storing photo data so that no matter what changes you make, you can always return to the original (or 'master') high quality image. The easiest way to crop your photo is to click on the Enhance tool in the Photo tool fly-out bar and drag across the photo. When you release the mouse pointer, you can see the uncropped area. If you change your mind and want to alter the size of the uncropped area, you can drag the sides or corners of the cropped area to adjust the borders. You can also use the Clip tool to crop a photo, especially if you want to set a precise width or height or lock the aspect size. Simply click and drag on the cropping rectangle to move it around the photo.   You can also use the Clip tool to crop a photo, especially if you want to set a precise width or height or lock the aspect size. Simply click and drag on the cropping rectangle to move it around the photo. When you are ready, click the 'Clip' button. This, too, can be undone at any time, either by dragging on the clip border or by selecting 'Unclip'. I can add an effect such as a 'vignette' edge to the photo by selecting the Feather (on the right of the top toolbar). in this case I set it on the maximum 50 pixels.   If it quite common to see a photo of a face in an elliptical shape. The easiest way to do this is to apply a mask and crop the unwanted area. First, I will select the Mask tool that places a red mask on the whole photo. Then I will select the Ellipse tool and the circle on the fly out menu bar.  To achieve an ellipse I press the 'alt' key and drag the mouse to create my ellipse in the desired size. If it's not quite the right shape then I can drag on the handles to stretch it in any direction or use the Selector tool and drag on one of the corner handles to enlarge or reduce the whole ellipse. You can create any shape, even a freehand drawn shape. © Xara Group 2011