An Introduction to Web Designer by Gary Priester, covered in this Special Edition Tutorial:
In this Special Edition Tutorial we’ll preview Xara’s exciting new Web Designer. Now users have an affordable (around
$49 US) yet powerful tool for creating professional looking websites with all the bells and whistles. And the best news
is Xara Xtreme users already know most of the basics because the user interface is almost the same as Xara Xtreme.
And yet the interface has been streamlined and optimized with many new improvements including (trumpet
fanfare!!!) Spell Checking in 7 languages!!
Professional website designers can use Xara Web Designer to create fast WYSIWYG prototype websites. And unlike
Photoshop created prototype sites, Xara Web Designer prototypes are fully functional sites with all links and images
and text already in place, including embedded Flash movies. In case you’re curious (and curiosity is good), this entire
Tutorial was created in Xara Web Designer.
The rest of us can use Xara Web Designer to create really cool websites, just like the professionals, only better! I’m
not kidding. Furthermore, this Tutorial was uploaded via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) to the Xara Xone’s web servers,
all within Web Designer. So there is no need for an external FTP application.
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