The variety of styles and subjects amongst designers using our software never ceases to amaze us. Here are three great examples of that
point, and after a few months of introducing new names to Inspirational Art we have picked three regulars; Andrew Wrigley, Vjekoslav Ranec
and Derek Cooper.
Andrew Wrigley
This beautiful drawing might be a bit of a surprise to those of you who know Andrew from his photo-realistic cars and planes (a great
collection of which you can see in his portfolio in the Xara Art Gallery). It is “just drawn with lines” according to Andrew when he posted it in this
thread in TalkGraphics.
Vjekoslav Ranec
This is one of many great plane illustrations in Vjekoslav’s portfolio on Deviant Art, (the FMA IA-58 Pucara). If you like plane art you won’t want
to miss our other examples in Inspirational Art, simply select the Plane & Car themes from the drop down list of former issues at the top of this
Derek Cooper (Masque on TalkGraphics)
Regulars on TalkGraphics will know that Derek has posted some of the most creative and accomplished illustrations on the forum. This “pair of
pears” comes from this thread on TalkGraphics, and you can see more of Derek’s work in the Xara Art Gallery.
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